who's behind the curtain


director & screenwriter

Jared's motto: "Understanding others is the best
way to understand how the world works."

"I've always been interested in combining my interests to create things that are truly unique and captivating. As co-founder and CEO of Starstruck, I want to accomplish this, and more."

Films that Jared has directed have been selected in film festivals in North America and internationally as well. He has won multiple awards that include the categories for Best Director, Best Documentary, and Best Sci-Fi film. His work has additionally received praise and attention from Academy Award nominee Robert Stone and Academy Award winner Jan Pinkava.
Some of Jared's films have been selected at these festivals:
  • 45th Parallel Film Festival - USA
  • A Royal Chance Film Festival - USA
  • History Film Festival - Croatia
  • McMinnville Sci-Fi Film Festival - USA
  • McMinnville Short Film Festival - USA
  • Oregon Coast Film Festival - USA
  • Oregon Documentary Film Festival - USA
  • Oregon Short Film Festival - USA

Executive Producer & Screenwriter

Jessica's motto: "Everything is a possibility."

Our lives are simply continual momentous adventures. I thank my lucky stars I slid into my adventure with Starstruck...the possibiities for it's success are endless!

We feel stories should bring people together, and the ideal way to do this is with responsible technology.